
3-month internship opportunity for students belonging to the UniAdrion Universities network

Posted: 08-02-2024 10:35 | Views: 1229
Important Date: 28-02-2024

The Association of Universities of the Adriatic Ionian Region (UniAdrion), together with the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce (Forum AIC), is promoting an internship opportunity for students belonging to the UniAdrion Universities network.

The Western-BALKANship project, financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Adriatic Ionian Initiative (AII), gives the opportunity to UniAdrion University students to carry out a 3-month internship in selected companies in the Adriatic-Ionian area and aims at promoting cross-border cooperation, so that Italian students in the Balkans and vice versa. The internships will be fully financed through scholarships provided directly to the students, who will be covered by civil liability and work accident insurance.

Please find the call for applications (which will be open until the end of February 2024) with all the necessary information

UniAdrion Administrative Office
c/o Università Politecnica delle Marche
Via Oberdan, 8
60122 - Ancona
Tel.: 071 2203028

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