General Announcements

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Publication of the Proceedings of: "Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2020"
Posted: 05-01-2023 18:38 | Views: 4624
While the call for proposals to the conference Taboo – Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science 2023 taking place at the Malta Society of Arts in Valletta is open until the end of January 2023, the main core of the proceedings of TTT2020 Vienna/Online have just been released in an open access publication in digital format (e-Book), with ISBN number 978-960-7260-70-3.
Season's Greetings from the Team and the UNESCO Chair holder at the Ionian University
Posted: 19-12-2022 19:51 | Views: 3160
Season's Greetings from the Team and the UNESCO Chair holder at the Ionian University
Call for student proposals for DIN-ECO Innovation
Posted: 24-11-2022 13:20 | Views: 3464
The DIN-ECO Project is in the quest for future pioneers, changemakers and inventors who will revolutionize the fields of Digital Technologies, Digital Health and Manufacturing. 
Art Boulevard: A new Art-related content search engine from InArts Lab - Now also available as an iOS / Android app
Posted: 29-07-2022 17:16 | Updated: 10-10-2022 14:15 | Views: 20943
In the context of the research activity of the Interactive Arts Laboratory (InArts) of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University, the Art Boulevard search engine, an academic project that aims to assist with the diffusion of Art and Culture related content, while at the same collecting useful information about the needs and wants of people looking for such content online. 
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