The Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Fellowships in Modern Greek Studies are sponsored by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, which is also the main sponsor of the Marilena Laskaridis Chair of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam, held by Prof. Maria Boletsi. The fellowships are offered annually on a competitive basis and by application. The call is open to projects from all disciplines in the humanities and/or social sciences that engage with aspects of Modern Greek culture and/or history. The fellowships aim to strengthen research in the field of Modern Greek studies at the University of Amsterdam and internationally, encourage academic collaborations and exchanges, and give the opportunity to young and more experienced scholars in this field to advance their research.
Call for applications: Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Research Fellowships 2023-2024 |
Δημοσίευση: 08-01-2023 21:07 | Προβολές: 260
Έναρξη: 08-01-2023 |Λήξη: 01-03-2023
Applicants are requested to submit the following documents by 1 March 2023 as an email attachment in one PDF file to the following email address:
More info: WEBSITE
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